
Wednesday 5 December 2012

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Stargirl Characterization Chart


Definition:  Characterization is the method an author uses to acquaint the reader with the characters.   Authors typically reveal the personality traits of their characters in the following ways:

Methods of character-ization
Narrator’s statements- descriptions of the character’s physical traits and personality (telling)
·       Character’s own actions— what the character does (showing)
·       Character’s own speech & thoughts – what the character says (showing)
·      Other characters’ actions & reactions to the character (showing)
·      Other characters’ speech about or in response to the character (showing)

Evidence from Text

Page #

Explanation of evidence

Method of Characterization
Character’s Name: Stargirl


 "I wont sing to you."

 "Happy Birthday."

 It was Hillari Kimble's birthday tomorrow and she told Stargirl not to sing.  Stargirl agreed.

The next day Stargirl 
 Stargirl said it

