
Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Stargirl Characterization Chart


Definition:  Characterization is the method an author uses to acquaint the reader with the characters.   Authors typically reveal the personality traits of their characters in the following ways:

Methods of character-ization
Narrator’s statements- descriptions of the character’s physical traits and personality (telling)
·       Character’s own actions— what the character does (showing)
·       Character’s own speech & thoughts – what the character says (showing)
·      Other characters’ actions & reactions to the character (showing)
·      Other characters’ speech about or in response to the character (showing)

Evidence from Text

Page #

Explanation of evidence

Method of Characterization
Character’s Name: Stargirl


 "I wont sing to you."

 "Happy Birthday."

 It was Hillari Kimble's birthday tomorrow and she told Stargirl not to sing.  Stargirl agreed.

The next day Stargirl 
 Stargirl said it



Monday, 19 November 2012

1. What was the one most useful thing you learned in this class?  Why?
I think photoshop was the most useful because I learned how to crop out things in a picture.

2. What suggestions would you give other students on ways to get the most out of this class?
Listen well to get the most out of this class because the steps that you need to succeed are very hard to do if you dont listen.

3. In what areas of tech did you improve the most?  Why?
I improved most on the garageband because bow I know how to add effects and how to make the song faster or slower.
4. List three ways you think you have developed or grown as a result of this class? I can be a computer artist because of Photoshop, I can make homemade music, and I can make my own logos on Illustrator. 

5. What did you learn about digital media so far in this class?
How to posterize, how to erase a background, how to add layers.  How to make a logo and even to make a lot of wrinkles.

6. What problems did you encounter in this class?  How did you resolve the problem or are you still stuck?
I didn't really encounter any problems because I was always focused.

7. What assignment of this class was your best work and why?
The favorite logos, because it required no skills at all

8.  What else would you like to explore or learn how to do?  
To put you face on an animal face

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Animation Of Rupert The Hero

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" height="285" width="381" align="middle" data=""><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="never" /><param name="allowNetworking" value="internal" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="quality" value="high" /></object>

Monday, 10 September 2012

Tuesday, 4 September 2012


I filtered this with angled strokes.

I used grain and I put white and red dots on my eyes.

I used grain again and I painted myself with white and I blurred my eyes.

Sunday, 2 September 2012

My Favorite Logos

I like the TOMS logo because it has my favorite colour.  It is like a flag made for me.

I like the MINECRAFT logo because it tells me of how the people in the old ages had to mine and craft.

I like the adidas logo because it relaxes my mind when i look at it.

I like the logo of marvel because it reminds me of my superheros in my fantacy.


I like this logo because the first letter of my last name is the same as this.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Ghazi Bilbeisi
Eighth Grade

I love Chelsea FC.  I compete in the swimming team of our school.  I did archery and now i want to join again.  I free-dive down to 12-13 meters with only 1 breath.  I have been practicing to use a samurai sword.  I love techno, house, party and some rap music by EMINEM.  I can drive a speed boat and a yacht and a jet ski.  I laugh when a person falls down or trips. I am From Jordan and I am half British.  I am always thankful for my friends.